Privacy notice for candidates

For Wallenborn Transports S.A., the protection of all information and thus of privacy is a priority.

This privacy notice is specific to our company and in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing the Directive 95/46 / EC, hereinafter "GDPR", defines the manner in which Wallenborn Transports S.A. processes, uses, stores and protects personal data.  

It applies to all candidates wishing to start a career at Wallenborn Transports S.A. and applying for a job vacancy (hereinafter 'œcandidate' or 'œcandidates').

Wallenborn Transports S.A. is established and has its registered office at Parc d'Activité Syrdall 3, 22 rue Gabriel Lippmann, L-5365 Munsbach, registered with the Luxembourg Trade and Companies Register under number B 143444, hereafter referred to 'œWallenborn'.

In conformity with the GDPR, Wallenborn is a data controller.

Candidates can rest assured that Wallenborn processes their personal data legitimately, and in a transparent manner, as explained hereunder.

Any questions concerning our privacy notice should be sent to

The legal basis

The legal basis for processing candidate's personal data is the pre-contractual relationship between Wallenborn and the candidate. For certain processing, more than one legal basis may apply.

Another legal basis for processing candidates' personal data for specific purposes can be their consent, which they can withdraw at any moment. If the processing is based on multiple legal basis simultaneously, then the withdrawal of the consent will in principle not impact the processing by Wallenborn (or at least not the full extent of the processing).

Another legal basis for processing candidates' personal data may be the legal obligations applicable to Wallenborn.

What personal data is collected?

We collect personal data concerning identity and contact details that the candidates supply to us:

  • First name
  • Surname
  • Address
  • Date of birth
  • Photo and/or any other reproduction of the interested candidate
  • Telephone number
  • Email
  • All information collected via our surveillance cameras

How is the personal data collected?

Personal data may be collected during the first contact with Wallenborn, when the candidates fill out any forms; by communicating, for instance, via phone, email or regular mail with us; or otherwise in the context of their pre-contractual relationship with Wallenborn. Furthermore, personal data will also be collected whenever candidates are passing an area on our premises where surveillance cameras have been installed. The purpose of these cameras is to guarantee the safety of any visitor on our premises, as well as to control the safety of the material located on our premises (protection against theft, destruction etc.).

Wallenborn guarantees that the security footage is kept secure by using appropriate technical and/or organizational measures.

The purpose and processing/use of personal data

Wallenborn collects personal data of candidates in order to manage their applications and, as the case may be, to submit an offer of employment to the candidate in question.

If the candidate is not hired, their personal data will be automatically deleted after two years, unless the candidate uses their right to object. In this latter case, the personal data will be deleted immediately.

If the candidate is recruited, their personal data will be retained throughout their employment relationship with Wallenborn, and possibly beyond.

In all instances, personal data is only kept as long as deemed necessary, and in compliance with the purpose for which it has been collected and processed. Wallenborn will only retain certain data for a longer period of time if required due to legal/regulatory obligations or exceptional situations that would justify longer storage (judicial procedure etc.).

As for the footage collected via the surveillance cameras, the data will be automatically deleted after a period of 9 days.


Candidates may assert the following rights:

  • the right to be duly informed about the use and processing of their personal data;
  • the right to access their personal data;
  • the right to rectify their personal data, and the right to request their personal data be deleted, provided that constraints and legal obligations applicable to Wallenborn do not conflict with such a request;
  • the right to restrict the processing of their data, in particular situations specified in the GDPR, so that their personal data may only be processed with the consent of the candidate (without prejudice to Wallenborn's right to store the data in accordance with the applicable legal provisions). The execution of this right does not impact previous processings;
  • the right of the candidate to receive, in particular situations specified in the GDPR, all personal data relating to him/her and provided by him/her to Wallenborn and to transfer this data to another controller (right to data portability). Wallenborn reserves the right to charge a fee for such transfer, especially in case of frequent requests and/or in the event of a request deemed excessive in terms of volume of data to be transferred. The candidate has to inform Wallenborn in writing in due course before the end of the contract if he/she intends to make use of this right. Otherwise, Wallenborn cannot be held responsible for the deletion of their personal data;
  • the right, without prejudice to any other administrative or legal remedy, to lodge a complaint with the national supervisory authority (Commission Nationale pour la Protection des Données '“ CNPD) if the candidate considers himself/herself a victim of a breach in the processing of his/her personal data; and
  • with respect to video surveillance, the right to access the security camera footage on which they appear.

In order to perform their rights, candidates can contact us at, by telephone at +352 26 341 1 or by letter, at the following address: Wallenborn Transports S.A., Parc d'Activité Syrdall 3, 22 rue Gabriel Lippmann, L - 5365 Munsbach.

Who will be in contact with the personal data?

Depending on the data concerned, the persons occupying the following positions are the recipients of the candidates' personal data: Human Resources Manager and Human Resources Officer.

Amendment of this privacy notice

Wallenborn reserves the right to modify this privacy notice at any time and for any reason whatsoever. In order to stay informed on how Wallenborn protects candidates' personal data, we recommend periodically reviewing this statement on Wallenborn's website:

For further information, please also review our Privacy Policy, available on our website